Apprenticeship Opportunities: Robotics
Louth and Meath ETB is committed to promoting arts in education in all schools and colleges under its remit. At present, LMETB has responsibility for 16 post primary schools, 2 community national schools, a Centre for European Schooling and two dedicated PLC colleges. At primary and post primary levels there is much evidence of arts in action on a daily basis. Music, art, drama, school musicals, school choirs, orchestras, debating and visits to the theatre are just some of the activities which our schools promote as a combination of curricular, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities in our schools and colleges.
Participation in arts related activities provide opportunities for students to develop a range of key skills which will assist them in their future careers/further studies/employment. LMETB schools and colleges also note that the provision of such activities contributes positively to attendance rates and engagement in schools and further develops positive rapport and relationships between teachers and students. Such activities also promote and foster engagement with parents/guardians and the wider communities in which our schools/colleges operate.
Our mission statement in LMETB is excellence and innovation in education and LMETB is committed to working in partnership with statutory, community and voluntary organisations in promoting the arts in education.
Louth and Meath ETB also manages the Louth Music Generation (LMEP) which provides access to a diverse range of creative musical experiences and music classes for those participating. LMEP provide access to such classes both within and outside the school day. Those participating also have opportunities to engage in musical performances with others including participating in bands, orchestras and ensembles to name but a few.