Apprenticeship Opportunities: Heavy Vehicle Mechanics, Light Vehicle Mechanics, Vehicle Body repair
At TU Dublin’s, City Campus, Bolton St. we provide apprenticeship training for Motor craft apprenticeships in Heavy Vehicle Mechanic, Light Vehicle Mechanic and Vehicle Body Repair.
On completion of your craft-based apprenticeship, you will achieve a QQI level 6, advanced national craft certificate in your desired trade. This qualification is recognised worldwide and universally regarded as the pinacol of craft trade apprenticeship training.
Heavy Vehicle Mechanics – This apprenticeship caters to the maintenance and repair of commercial and heavy vehicles used on the roads today. You will gain knowledge in the areas of Engine Repairs, Drivetrains, Transmissions, Body Electronics, Pneumatic and Hydraulic systems.
Light Vehicle Mechanics – At TU Dublin we provide apprenticeship training for Phases 2, 4 and 6 covering all aspects of vehicle maintenance and repairs. Steering and suspension, Engine repairs, Drivetrains, Electrical and Diagnostics to name but a few.
Vehicle Body Repair – Here at TU Dublin we are the sole provider for Vehicle Body Repair Phase 4 and 6. We offer the most up to date training using industry leading equipment and technology. Aspects covered are for example Welding, Metal Fabrication, Spray Painting, Minor and Major Vehicle Repairs and much more.
All these qualifications offer great opportunities to facilitate access and progression within the motor industry. Your craft-based qualification can be the start of an exciting career in the motor trade or a stepping stone to further education on our transport Level 7-degree programme and beyond.
How to Apply:
To become an apprentice in Ireland you must be hired by an employer (Sponsor). Apprenticeship employers are formally approved by SOLAS in advance of employing apprentices. Apprentices get a formal contract of employment as part of their apprenticeship.
For further information regarding Motor Craft Apprenticeships contact your local Education and Training board (ETB).
Address: TUD City Campus, Bolton Street, Dublin City, D01 K822.
Website: Bolton Street | TU Dublin
Further Details: